I was recently asked to be a contributor to the new online magazine Letters & Lullabies. I couldn't be more excited to be part of such a cultural website. Geared towards parents raising the worldly child it focuses on everything from art and cuisine to style and travel. Living in Brooklyn we have so much at our fingertips and I am happy to share it with everyone.
Reading Goodnight Moon inside the pages of Goodnight Moon.
This past Saturday we went on a family trip to The New York Public Library's exhibition of "The ABC of It: Why Children's Books Matter." It was INCREDIBLE and a completely wonderul experience. For the full story about how experiencing this exhibit with your child makes it that much more enjoyable...head over to Letters & Lullabies. We also give you some great photo suggestions and fun facts about The New York Public Library so you can impress your kids!! In the meantime, check out some of our photos.
Taking an afternoon stroll in The Phantom Tollbooth's toy car.
Georgia can tell you Where The Wild Things Are. Roar!!
Stepping through the rabbit hole of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
Georgia spotted the "young mouse" before any of us. She just had to show Conroy.
We brought our copy of Harald and the Purple Crayon. This is my mom's favorite book. This was the book she bought me when I was a child. She wrote the most heartwarming note in the front cover. Makes me tear up every time.
Reading her brother The Secret Garden in her own Secret Garden.
Inspired by the exhibit, we decided to dress Conroy up as Harold and the Purple Crayon. Georgia loved it. We then took it one step further and gathered all the purple things we could find to take a "purple picture." It was a great way to spend a cold Monday morning.
The similarity is uncanny.
Our photo shoot was quick and fun!
There was lots of purple to find in our spontaneous a scavenger hunt.
If you are in New York City between now and March 23, 2014 "The ABC of It: Why Children's Books Matter" is a must visit. I promise you will enjoy it no matter if you go with children or without. Plus, don't forget to add Letters & Lullabies to the list of websites you frequently visit. There are always new and exciting things being published.
1 comment
This is awesome!! Love the picture, you guys are such characters :)